Monday, 5 October 2015


My two obsessions. Harry Potter and lipstick. Combined, and you have my idea of heaven. 

I saw on Buzzfeed that LA Splash Cosmetics where bringing out a Harry Potter line of lipsticks and I was straight away googling how to get them to the UK. After much research I found them ... on Amazon! Duh! I went on the LA Splash website to pick my colour (hardest decision everrrr!) and finally settled on 'Sirius', a deep blue, for me, and 'Nagini', a forest green, for my (also HP obsessed) bestie. 

The lipsticks them selves are called 'Smitten Liptint Mousses' and they are waterproof. I am pretty sure that they are old colours just renamed with Harry Potter names, but who the hell cares?! 

Here is what 'Sirius' looks like on... 

This is what it looks like in bright light!!
One thing I will warn you... it is a pain to take off! Because it has a waterproof formula you need a really good makeup remover and a lot of scrubbing! Still worth it. 


Disclaimer... Yes I edited these pictures. I did so because I took these on my iphone and I edited them so they were true to the colour I was seeing in the mirror :)

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