Tuesday, 29 September 2015

I Bought a Pair of Louboutins...

... And I'll never wear them.

Why?? I hear you scream. I bought them for my mum. For my best friend. For the woman who has been obsessed with Christian Louboutins for as long as I can remember.

Now of course I myself would love a pair. No doubt about it. But seeing the look on my mum's face when we arrived at the shop was worth a thousand pairs to me. She deserves the world.

It all started in January 2015. The year of my mum's 50th birthday. I knew I wanted to go all out, which meant saving, saving, SAVING!!! Her birthday was Sept' 3rd so I had time. I tried to put away £100 a week (I was also saving for holidays).

By the time August rolled around, I had reached my target and started planning the massive surprise day. I chose to go before holiday rather than on her birthday so she could take them with her. I knew I wanted to go into a boutique to buy them rather than get them delivered, just for the experience of it all. The only problem with this was that the ones I knew she wanted were classics and there was a chance they would be sold out. I called the call centre (very helpful!) the week before and again the day before we went, to confirm where they had them in stock in her size. Luckily for me Motcomb Street had them! But I wanted to make a whole day of it!

We started off at Buckingham Palace for the changing of the guards (super busy but still amazing), then I couldn't wait any longer so decided it was time. I told her we were going somewhere special but she had no idea where. The walk was about 10 mins and she kept guessing the whole way but never got it. As we turned onto Motcomb Street I wondered if she would figure it out. Luckily not. The shop was at the end of the street and on the other side of the road. We reached the end and I crossed ahead of her and turned to watch it all fall into place. She was confused at first. Then she saw it. The red soles in the window. I think she almost screamed! She just kept saying, 'no, you can't!' over and over. But yes I could!

We walked into the shop and she was a mess! Almost crying bless her! I kept trying to take pictures but she wouldn't look at me!! I explained to the shop assistant and asked for the shoes, all while the security was trying to keep from laughing at mum! It was pretty funny! She tried the shoes on, and they were slightly tight!! Thank God, they had a 1/2 size up available too!

She was walking around that shop in her shoes for about 30 minutes I swear!! They were perfect! She still kept saying, 'you can't!!'. HA! I made sure they were perfect and then paid. The shop assistant was so lovely and really made the experience that much more special.

Next we went to Harrods, had lunch at Bubble Dogs (a champagne and hot dog restaurant, OMG!) and had rather a lot of cocktails!!

It was the best day ever and I couldn't think of a better way to show my mum just how special she is and how much I love her.

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