Thursday, 8 October 2015

Missguided Autumn Wishlist ...

Autumn might just be one of my favourite times of year. The main reason for this is... THE FASHION! No season is quite a chic as the season of crunchy leaves and pumpin spice lattes (I'm not about the PSL life, sorry). The chance to layer clothing means more interesting outfits which you can change throughout the day. Hats, coats and scarves for the morning chill, and you can be prepared to strip off a little when the surprise afternoon warmth hits!

Here are a few things I've been eyeing up from Missguided.


I love wearing bodysuits in the colder months as it takes me back to feeling like a child with my vest tucked into my trousers to keep me warm! Your outfit stays perfectly polished in a bodysuit, no untucking and retucking!

From left to right... 
Ribbed Capped Sleeve Bodysuit White £15, Long Sleeve Turtle Neck Top Burgundy £10, Off Shoulder Fluffy Jumper Cream £25


I am completely obsessed with leather trousers at the minute. They make every outfit that little bit sexier, more refined and interesting. These are a must buy for me!

From left to right...
Longline Jersey Midi Skirt Khaki £12, Vice Highwaisted Skinny Jean Coated Black £25, Premium Crepe Wide Leg Culottes Teal £30


 I do love me a good coat! You can't go wrong with a smart, tailored duster. But to bring a bit of fun and glamour to an outfit? Faux fur will always do the trick.

From left to right... 
Mongolian Faux Fur Longline Gilet White £55, Long Sleeve Maxi Duster Coat Grey £35, Oversized Wool Coat Camel £75


I am the biggest shoeaholic ever. I am still loving the lace up trend and these thigh high boots take that Summer trend right through into Autumn. Also I've been lusting after the fluffy sandals since foreverrr... the berry colour seals the deal for me!

From left to right (middle shoes top to bottom)... 
Lace Up Feather Heeled Sandals Berry £30, Fringe Detail Heeled Ankle Boots Tan £35, Lace Up Pointed Ballerina Flats Cobalt Blue £18, Peep Toe Lace Up Over The Knee Heels Black £60


I love wearing sunglasses with a massive coat, I think it looks so classy. These are very similar to the Dior ones I've been craving, but a fraction of the price! Tassels are definitely in this season and this bag give a subtle nod to this trend without making you worry about untangling them every 5 minutes!

From left to right...
Top row, Fringe Suedette Shoulder Bag Tan £22, Cut Out Cuff Silver £8, Dory Bow Detail Floppy Hat Rust £15
Bottom row, Metal Frame Sunglasses Silver £10, Phiphi Over Knee Socks Grey £7, Pom Pom Rib Beanie Red £10

Monday, 5 October 2015


My two obsessions. Harry Potter and lipstick. Combined, and you have my idea of heaven. 

I saw on Buzzfeed that LA Splash Cosmetics where bringing out a Harry Potter line of lipsticks and I was straight away googling how to get them to the UK. After much research I found them ... on Amazon! Duh! I went on the LA Splash website to pick my colour (hardest decision everrrr!) and finally settled on 'Sirius', a deep blue, for me, and 'Nagini', a forest green, for my (also HP obsessed) bestie. 

The lipsticks them selves are called 'Smitten Liptint Mousses' and they are waterproof. I am pretty sure that they are old colours just renamed with Harry Potter names, but who the hell cares?! 

Here is what 'Sirius' looks like on... 

This is what it looks like in bright light!!
One thing I will warn you... it is a pain to take off! Because it has a waterproof formula you need a really good makeup remover and a lot of scrubbing! Still worth it. 


Disclaimer... Yes I edited these pictures. I did so because I took these on my iphone and I edited them so they were true to the colour I was seeing in the mirror :)

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

I Bought a Pair of Louboutins...

... And I'll never wear them.

Why?? I hear you scream. I bought them for my mum. For my best friend. For the woman who has been obsessed with Christian Louboutins for as long as I can remember.

Now of course I myself would love a pair. No doubt about it. But seeing the look on my mum's face when we arrived at the shop was worth a thousand pairs to me. She deserves the world.

It all started in January 2015. The year of my mum's 50th birthday. I knew I wanted to go all out, which meant saving, saving, SAVING!!! Her birthday was Sept' 3rd so I had time. I tried to put away £100 a week (I was also saving for holidays).

By the time August rolled around, I had reached my target and started planning the massive surprise day. I chose to go before holiday rather than on her birthday so she could take them with her. I knew I wanted to go into a boutique to buy them rather than get them delivered, just for the experience of it all. The only problem with this was that the ones I knew she wanted were classics and there was a chance they would be sold out. I called the call centre (very helpful!) the week before and again the day before we went, to confirm where they had them in stock in her size. Luckily for me Motcomb Street had them! But I wanted to make a whole day of it!

We started off at Buckingham Palace for the changing of the guards (super busy but still amazing), then I couldn't wait any longer so decided it was time. I told her we were going somewhere special but she had no idea where. The walk was about 10 mins and she kept guessing the whole way but never got it. As we turned onto Motcomb Street I wondered if she would figure it out. Luckily not. The shop was at the end of the street and on the other side of the road. We reached the end and I crossed ahead of her and turned to watch it all fall into place. She was confused at first. Then she saw it. The red soles in the window. I think she almost screamed! She just kept saying, 'no, you can't!' over and over. But yes I could!

We walked into the shop and she was a mess! Almost crying bless her! I kept trying to take pictures but she wouldn't look at me!! I explained to the shop assistant and asked for the shoes, all while the security was trying to keep from laughing at mum! It was pretty funny! She tried the shoes on, and they were slightly tight!! Thank God, they had a 1/2 size up available too!

She was walking around that shop in her shoes for about 30 minutes I swear!! They were perfect! She still kept saying, 'you can't!!'. HA! I made sure they were perfect and then paid. The shop assistant was so lovely and really made the experience that much more special.

Next we went to Harrods, had lunch at Bubble Dogs (a champagne and hot dog restaurant, OMG!) and had rather a lot of cocktails!!

It was the best day ever and I couldn't think of a better way to show my mum just how special she is and how much I love her.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Birchbox Vs Glossybox ...

I first discovered beauty subscription boxes when I subscribed to Kathleen Lights on youtube. She gets Ispy Bay and Boxy Charm. The idea is brilliant, such a great way to test out products that you may (or may not) love without wasting money! I started with Birchbox (check out my unboxing videos here) and I loved it! ... However. They seemed to be sending less make up and more lotions and potions, which I am not overly happy about. So I have recently subscribed to Glossybox to see how they compare.

First up ... Birchbox.

This month Birchbox have gone for something new. Out with the old box, and in with a new bag! There where 4 different colours, yellow, blue, pink and red/orange. I got the yellow. It is a plastic-y clutch style bag that's perfect for holidays! Inside the bag I got ... 

Benefit Dream Screen

Cowshed Moisturising Hand Cream

Unani Aloe Vera Gel

Barley Beauty Sponge

Pop Beauty Bright Up Your Life Eye Shadow Palette

Balance Me Congested Skin Serum

And now we have ... Glossybox. 

I had never heard of Glossybox before until I saw a flyer in some magazine (maybe asos, but who knows) and read that is was the UK's number 1 subscription box. As Birchbox have been letting me down lately I thought I would compare the two for a couple month and pick my favourite. The box this month is so beautiful, here is what I got ... 

Vichy Aqualia Moisturiser

Lollipops Lip Balm

Noxi Doxi Serum Base

Teoxane Perfect Skin Refiner

Glossybox Travel Bag

Overall I did really like these boxes. Didn't love. My favourite thing is definitely the Pop Eye Shadow, the colours and shimmer are perfect for summer, so I would have to say Birchbox wins this round!

Check back next month for another face off!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Purple and yellow ...

I have been playing with colour today, here are the results!
I have a palette with the most amazing colours in but have not been brave enough to get past the Browns and golds. 'Til today! 
I first picked the fushia/purple colour for my eyelids and used that as my base. It was very clown-esque at this point so I added a very dark black in the crease and tried to bring it across from my eyeliner flick. I wanted to really experiment with colour so I chose the complete opposite colour! YELLOW! I swept this all under my lower lash line. A pair of Eye Candy lashes and this look is complete.
I used an eye primer for this look for the first time and boy, does it make the colours pop!
Hope you like it and leave comments on what colours I should use next! 

Thursday, 2 July 2015

All Hail TKMAXX ...

I absolutely love a bargain, I am all about those savings!  I never really ventured into the TKMAXX clothing sections but have always love the home dept. I recently discovered the make up aisles ... 

 My first discovery was in the Staines branch, my favourite one! I was browsing through near the till and I saw the famous Calvin Klein 'CK' and I have to look. The bronzer and eyeshadow came as a set with a RRP of £25, I got it for £7.99!! The bronzer has since become my favourite one (as you can tell). I also picked up a Too Faced Color Bomb for £6.99! The colour is perfect for summer and if you can get past the tingling sensation it slightly plumps your lips too!

My next trip to TKMAXX was in Slough, not the nicest store but I thought I would have a look. Boy was I glad I did. I bought the Too Faced powder foundation for about £8 and it is my top product that I own. My 1 cosmetic on a desert island ... this. I also picked up an Elizabeth Arden eyeshadow set for £5ish (can't remember). Perfect nude colours.

So last time I was Slough I found NARS!!! I wasn't planning on buying any makeup, I was just walking through to get an iced caramel latte. The Nars packaging is so distinguishable that it caught my eye from across the room! I rushed on over and started rummaging through the products. I picked up this eyeshadow to use on my eyes and for blush and the liquid eyeliner mainly because it came with the tiny, little brush! So cute!!
Make sure to check out your nearest TKMAXX or look on to see what hidden jems you can find!

You Shall Go To The Ball ...

Any excuse to wear a ball gown and you can't bet your ass I'm game. I love getting super dressed up and feeling like royalty with my nearest and dearest for the evening.

My dear, dear Step Father is a member of the ever so secretive Freemasons fraternal organisation. Basically a secret club for men to escape their wives! 
This meant that I got to attend my first Lady's Day! A formal event celebrating the wives, girlfriend's, and in my case, daughters. The theme was black and white masquerade, which I ignored. I wore this navy blue dress from Rare in the ASOS Outlet for £38. 

I fell in love with the dress and then fell in love with the price! I also bought my mask from ASOS for £10.

The fabric is stunning and quite weighty, so it's not going to blow around, and with a neck line that deep, it saves the risk!
Because the dress is so low cut, you definitely can't wear a bra. I used Eyelure Body Tape and I would highly recommend it. I danced all night and there were no nip slips. Success!

My make up for the night
 My make up for the event was so fun to do! Video on how I did it coming soon when I can fixed the darn music on it!

Ps ... How cute are my sister and her fiance! 

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Ipanema Wish List ...

I am devastated. My trusty pair of flipflops have broken after 7 years! Time for an upgrade... 
I found after extensive searching on the web for a pair I liked. I wanted a fun, casual pair that would last since I have two very exciting holidays this year and this Brazilian company may just be what I am looking for...
Ipanema Lovely III £17
The first pair that caught my eye were are simply stunning! I hadn't even scrolled or browsed the selection yet and I knew I needed them! The colours are so beautiful and the white would look great with a tan! carries each design in so many colours that even the fussiest person is sure to find a design perfect for them. Colours to suit every individual!

Ipanema Applique £23

Can we all just hold a moment of silence for the cutest pair of flipflops I have ever seen in my whole entire life. Just look at those little squishy owls!! The print on the shoe itself is simply to die for and you can even interchange the badges! GENIUS!!! These are so much fun and perfect for summer. 

Kyoto                             Ipanema Unique III  £16                      London

OMG. TOO PERFECT. CAN'T COPE. These flipflops are absolutely what I am searching for. I had to show them all as the different designs are so detailed and the colours are so well thought out! Personally I would have to pick the Venice pair as I am hoping to go there in September and what an amazing memento, Venice flip flops that have walked around Venice!  
I can't believe I have only just discovered, if I had found it years ago my summer shoe collection would be much more substantial! You can always count on Brazilians for their style and I know that I will be keeping this website in my favourites!
Check out and let me know your favourites and if you have bought them before send me pictures!! Can't wait to flip flop around in my new flip flops. My sisters will be jealous!

Monday, 29 June 2015

Colour Obstacle Rush UK ...

You want me to run 5k on a beautiful Sunday afternoon? No.
You want me to do a 5k obstacle course with powder paint? You're goddamn right I'll do it! 
Here is a before shot, so clean a crisp... 
  And here is the aftermath... 

This was honestly one of the most fun days I have had in a long time, even if I did break a nail and land on mum's head coming down the inflatable slide! 
I'm always one up for an adventure and this was perfect. The obstacles got harder (but still manageable by most) and the paint got everywhere. It started simple, climb over 3 small inflatables, the fight through a ball pit with 6ft balls, then climb to the top of the big slides and bounce down without getting stepped on! Every once in a while you would reach a different colour station, and believe me, they didn't hold back! I'm talking in your eyes, up your nose and in my sisters case, green paint in the mouth! 
The mini colour festival at the end was a perfect finale. 

I can't wait to do it all again next year...
