Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Ipanema Wish List ...

I am devastated. My trusty pair of flipflops have broken after 7 years! Time for an upgrade... 
I found ipanema.uk.com after extensive searching on the web for a pair I liked. I wanted a fun, casual pair that would last since I have two very exciting holidays this year and this Brazilian company may just be what I am looking for...
Ipanema Lovely III £17
The first pair that caught my eye were are simply stunning! I hadn't even scrolled or browsed the selection yet and I knew I needed them! The colours are so beautiful and the white would look great with a tan! ipanema.uk.com carries each design in so many colours that even the fussiest person is sure to find a design perfect for them. Colours to suit every individual!

Ipanema Applique £23

Can we all just hold a moment of silence for the cutest pair of flipflops I have ever seen in my whole entire life. Just look at those little squishy owls!! The print on the shoe itself is simply to die for and you can even interchange the badges! GENIUS!!! These are so much fun and perfect for summer. 

Kyoto                             Ipanema Unique III  £16                      London

OMG. TOO PERFECT. CAN'T COPE. These flipflops are absolutely what I am searching for. I had to show them all as the different designs are so detailed and the colours are so well thought out! Personally I would have to pick the Venice pair as I am hoping to go there in September and what an amazing memento, Venice flip flops that have walked around Venice!  
I can't believe I have only just discovered ipanema.uk.com, if I had found it years ago my summer shoe collection would be much more substantial! You can always count on Brazilians for their style and I know that I will be keeping this website in my favourites!
Check out ipanema.uk.com and let me know your favourites and if you have bought them before send me pictures!! Can't wait to flip flop around in my new flip flops. My sisters will be jealous!

Monday, 29 June 2015

Colour Obstacle Rush UK ...

You want me to run 5k on a beautiful Sunday afternoon? No.
You want me to do a 5k obstacle course with powder paint? You're goddamn right I'll do it! 
Here is a before shot, so clean a crisp... 
  And here is the aftermath... 

This was honestly one of the most fun days I have had in a long time, even if I did break a nail and land on mum's head coming down the inflatable slide! 
I'm always one up for an adventure and this was perfect. The obstacles got harder (but still manageable by most) and the paint got everywhere. It started simple, climb over 3 small inflatables, the fight through a ball pit with 6ft balls, then climb to the top of the big slides and bounce down without getting stepped on! Every once in a while you would reach a different colour station, and believe me, they didn't hold back! I'm talking in your eyes, up your nose and in my sisters case, green paint in the mouth! 
The mini colour festival at the end was a perfect finale. 

I can't wait to do it all again next year...


Sunday, 28 June 2015

Finding a Fella ...

I love all kinds of music and the sound I listen to varies on many things. My mood being the main one! I first listened to this band after a beautiful summery Sunday, I hadn't been working and I'd been with my fav all day, my mum. So safe to safe I was in a good mood. 
I didn't stumble across them randomly, the singer, Pete, is a local in my pub, along with his girl friend Laura and their crazy, crazy dog (hi if you guys see this). But being me I kept forgetting the name of his band! After finding Laura's blog (lauramooreadores.blogspot.com (READ IT)) I found Fella's youtube... 

Their songs are perfect for my jolly, summery mood!!And their sound is so catchy, I definitely feel like I will know all of the lyrics and be singing along in my room soon!

Check out Fella on youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/fellatheband

Au Naturel ...

Summer has arrived finally! So it's time for me to start sporting my "natural" look.

I find as the days start to get longer and the temperature rises that I reach more for highlights and warm tones, rather than the deep burgundys and greys as in winter. A thin flick of eyeliner, bronzed complexion and dewy finish is my go-to, every day look. Almost like I could have woke up like this? Ok, not quite.
I paired this look with messy, sea salt spritzed hair and ASOS dunagrees for a casual, chic summer look. 

I used -

Maybelline Baby Skin primer, Nyx Above and Beyond full coverage concealer in Orange, Barry M Flawless Matte Finish foundation in shade 3 Beige, Calvin Klein bronzer in Summer Affair, Maybelline Super Stay 24hr concealer in Light/Beige, Soap and Glory Hocus Focus highlight, Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Blusher in Pinker Belle, Primark lipliner with no name :(, Revlon matte lipstick in 013 Smoked Peach, Maybelline Scandaleyes eyeshadow crayon in 002 Bulletproof Beige, Rimmel Professional eyebrow pencil in 001 Dark Brown, Soap and Glory Super Cat eyeliner, Benefit They’re Real Mascara on top lashes 

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Walk This Way ...

Check out my video featuring a small selection of my favourite shoes!

A Rough Day At Sea Is Better Than Any Day In The Office ...

(Originally posted on my old blog on May 5th 2015)

I was lucky enough to be invited on Royal Caribbean’s newest cruise liner, Anthem of the Seas on bank holiday Sunday. And when I say lucky, boy do I mean it! “A cruise?! Aren’t they for old people?!” I hear you proclaim, you could not be more wrong!
 I have cruised with Royal Caribbean around 5 or 6 times now and each time just gets better. You can do as much or as little as you like. The ships are full of activities, from rock climbing and ice skating to drinking cocktails round the pool in the sunshine. They are full of some of the most interesting people I have ever met and I can see myself cruising for the rest of my life. (Not continuously, although that would be awesome!)
Anthem of the Seas is  the second in Royal Caribbean’s groundbreaking Quantum Class of ships, with more state-of-the-art technology than any other cruise ship in the world. Everything feels like it has been re-vamped compared to other ships I’ve been on. There seems to be more colour and vibrance everywhere you go and the whole ship feels more modern. I was walking around with the most excited smile on my face!
The North Star - When I was told I was going to be able to ride this I was super excited! A glass pod that takes you 300ft above sea level for 360 degree views? Sign me up!
Flow Rider - Fancy catching a wave while sailing through the middle of the ocean, well you can! Even if you don’t want to actually ride (me, I’m scared), watching others wipe out is always a fun way to spend an afternoon!
Rip Cord - Skydiving out at sea? Why not? Who comes up with these ideas?
Sea Plex - A bit of everything. Dodgems at sea, Circus School, full-sized sports courts. You can even play Xbox Live. When the sun goes down, the party starts!
Bionic Bar - As a barmaid I have mixed feelings, am I going to be out of a job soon? Jokes aside, HOW COOL?! I want one in my house please. 
Rock Wall - Imagine the views you could get when you reach the top!
There is also a full gym, spa, running track and kids pool area!  
Also a glass floor … really high up! Look at the tiny, little ant people!
There are 18 different places to eat according the website. Picky eaters now is your moment! I was only on board for a few hours but I got a look around the restaurants (and taste a few cheeky samples) before lunch in Jamie’s Italian!
Look at those bread sticks!
I’m hopefully going to be on this ship in August for a 2 week holiday and I really want to try Wonderland. Think Heston Blumenthal meets Alice in Wonderland.
A few snaps from the other restaurants ...
Make sure to catch The Wild Boys, mum says they’re great! Also I want that chandelier in my house too please!
And last but not least…
I walked in and I was completely stunned. This place in so beautiful I don’t ever want to not be there. The Solaruim. The most amazing pool ever. The best place ever. 
I was tempted to get in fully clothed. How could I not be?!
All in all, I spent about 6 hours on board and that was not enough time to fully appreciate the magnificence of this out of this world cruise liner. This is a holiday everyone could enjoy and I seriously recommend you do! Royal Caribbean go above and beyond when it comes to holidays and it is worth every penny!
Thanks for having me!

Heroine - a woman admired for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities...

(Originally posted on my old blog on May 4th 2015)

I ummed and ahhed about Mac Heroine for weeks. I loved the colour, but spending £15.50 on a lipstick that may or may not suit me was risky! Luckily for me I love it. 

It’s not a colour I wear everyday but when do I can feel my whole attitude change. I call this my ‘bitch face’ makeup! It doesn’t turn me into a super evil monster but I definitely have more confidence and an ‘I’m not taking bullsh*t’ attitude. 
I love this look with the heavy cat eye and silvery/gold shimmery eyeshadow. Paired with the french braids it is quite edgy so I paired it with a deep v cut white blouse from River Island and my new look body chain underneath. I can tell you, I felt good this night!

The lipstick itself is really smooth and not dry like other matte lipsticks can be. It isn’t intensely matte but it definitely stays on like a matte one! This colour was quite out of my comfort zone but I gave it a shot and I’m so happy I did!
What colour shall I try next?

Sleek Matte Me, ultra smooth matte lip cream review ...

(Originally posted on my old blog on April 26th 2015)

This product intrigued me. A matte lip cream? But it looks like lip gloss! How does it work? 
I bought Fandango Purple first for £4.99 from Superdrug as I completely fell in love with the colour! I love deep, rich reds and purples with my skin tone so I coudn’t resist! 
I used a lip liner from Topshop and coloured my whole lips with it, enlarging them as I’m a self confessed Kylie Jenner lip lover. Then I put this over the top. Putting it on takes a bit of practice and a steady hand so already having the lip liner there really helped me to keep it neat! 
This colour is perfect for winter/autumn or if you just want to vamp up your look! Wear with a natural eye during the day or with a heavy cat eye for your nighttime adventures!
Since I loved this so much I bought another one! I chose the colour Pearl, again from Superdrug for £4.99. I’ve been choosing pink alot more lately as I have more of a tan and I don’t suit it with I’m a white as a ghost! 
This colour is such a good pinky/nude! I quickly applied it this time with no lip liner and it’s amazing! I reminds me of my favourite matte Mac lipstick, Please Me, only more matte. I did have to used a couple of layers to get the full coverage that I need for my Kylie lips (I found it best to wait for each coat to dry before applying the next). This is definitely going to be my summer go to lip colour!!
This looks great as an everyday colour or mix it up with a smokey eye to make a look that Audrey Hepburn would be proud of!
It goes on like a thick gloss, shiny and smooth to apply. Then you wait. I would advise against rubbing your lips together as it gets rather sticky during the drying process, which only takes a few seconds! After that you are left with a beautiful, very matte colour that lasts for hours! 
It is a very dry lip colour, as you would expect from a highly matte lip cream, but I found you get used to the feeling after a while and as long as you moisturise before and after use, your lips will be fine!
Also don’t forget to exfoliate your lips before use! Very important! No one likes flaky skin lipstick!

In The Nude ...

(Originally posted on my old blog on April 25th 2015)

Today I woke up and was in a good mood! I couldn’t wait to start getting ready for the day, even though I was doing a 12 hour shift at work!
I wanted to go for a warm colour toned look that wasn’t too heavy as I was doing a Saturday lunch shift at work. I’ve gone off eyeliner over the past couple of weeks but it made a come back today. Paired with a nude Kylie Jenner lip I think this is one of my favourite looks.


I used:
Maybelline Baby Skin primer, Mac Studio Fix foundation in NW18, Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse in Cameo, Benefit Boiing in shade 02, Maybelline Super Stay 24 Hour waterproof powder, Barry M Chisel Cheeks Contour Kit, Maybelline Brow Satin in dark brown, Soap and Glory Super Cat eyeliner, Benefit They’re Real Mascara on top lashes, Benefit Roller Lash on bottom lashes, Barry M Bronzer as eyeshadow, Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2, Maybelline Color Sensational lip liner in velvet beige, Soap and Glory matte lipstick in Super Nude. 

Moving to Blogspot.

So I've been struggling with Tumblr for years now. It's too complicated so I'm trying this. Here goes ...